The manuscript review and peer-review process
General peer-reviewing scheme of the edition
Copyright and License Statement
Publication Types
The Basis of the Edition
Submission Deadlines – throughout the year.
Publication language is Russian, metadata is Russian, English.
The manuscript review and peer-review process
- It is mandatory that all manuscripts submitted to the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus are peer reviewed by experts in the field.
- At the first stage of the reviewing process, the Editor-in-Chief reviews manuscripts on the subject of their compliance with the edition’s formal requirements.
- Manuscripts that do not meet the formal requirements or the subject scope of the edition will not be considered or peer reviewed. The Editorial Board decides whether the essay shall not be considered or accepted for publication.
- Manuscripts that meet the formal requirements or the subject scope of the edition are sent to independent reviewers in the specific field of the submitted manuscript.
- The essay undergoes a double “blind” review process, e.g. when any of the reviewers knows the author’s name nor the author knows the names of the reviewers.
- The invited reviewers may be members of the Editorial Board or any other highly qualified experts from other institutions. Reviewers must follow the principles of Publishing Ethics accepted by the edition.
- Reviews are written in a free form or according to the scheme developed by the Editorial Board. The original copies of reviews are kept in the archive of the edition for 3 years.
- It takes the maximum of six months to have the manuscript reviewed.
- If the reviewer recommends that the author revises/makes minor revisions and resubmits the manuscript, he or she will be sent a partial text of the review with suggestions without indicating the reviewer’s name, job title, and place of work. In case of rejection, the author will receive a motivated refusal.
- The essay rejected by reviewers shall not be resubmitted or considered at the Editorial Board meeting.
- The manuscripts that have successfully undergone the peer review process will be considered at the Editorial Board meeting. After making a decision about the essay’s acceptance, the author will receive a letter briefly informing him or her about the results of the review and the possible date of publication.
- The articles of Members of the Editorial Board forming the basis of the edition are reviewed by third-party experts and accepted for publication on a common basis.
General peer-reviewing scheme of the edition
Peer-reviewing of each issues of the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus goes through three stages:
1st stage – the manuscript review and peer-review process, received by the Editorial Board – a double “blind” review process (more information: The manuscript review and peer-review process);
2nd stage – formed new issue of the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus is transferred as a book for peer-reviewing to two independent experts who are not members of IWL RAS, members of the Editorial Board and / or one of the authors of the peer-reviewing book - an open peer-review process in which the names of reviewers and authors are known to each other.
3rd stage – the new issue of the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus, which received positive reviews from reviewers as a book, is submitted for approval to the Scientific Council of IWL RAS - an open scientific discussion.
The issue of serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus, which received positive expert assessments and was approved for publication by the Scientific Council of IWL RAS, is accepted for publication and submitted to the publishing house for the preparation of the original layout.
Copyright and License Statement
The Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus is published basis under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license, that is located on the official website of the non-commercial cooperation Creative Commons:
It means that:
The work can be distributed, used for commercial purposes.
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Terms of use: indicate the author of the original work, provide a link to the source.
Under this license, other people may not modify your work in any way, including translating it into another language, without your consent.
The Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus is delayed Open Access.
The Serial Scientific Edition does not charge authors for reviewing, editing, publishing, and distributing the published article.
By submitting the article for the publication to Codex Manuscriptus, the authors warrant that:
- the article is original, written by the indicated authors;
- has not been hitherto published and is not under review in any other edition;
- does not contain materials that are not liable to be published in the open access, according to the legislation of Russian Federation;
- is subject to copyright that is vested exclusively in the indicated authors and free of any third party rights;
- any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained.
If the article was prepared jointly with other authors, the corresponding author, when submitting the article, guarantees that he/she has been authorized by all the co-authors to submit the article to Codex Manuscriptus on their behalf.
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The archive of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus is available after its publication in:
- the national Academic digital library eLIBRARY.RU within the framework of the bibliographic database “Russian Science Citation Index” (RISC)
Conflicting Interests Policy
According to The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), potential conflicts of interest exist when there are financial, personal, or professional interests that might influence on the opinion of the reviewer or publisher and, as a result, affect the decision of the Editorial Board as regards the publication of the article.
The Editorial Board of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus implies that by submitting a paper the author states that:
- all forms of financial support are acknowledged in the contribution;
- there are no commercial, financial, personal, and professional involvements that might present an appearance of a conflict of interests related to the submitted article.
If there is a conflict of interests, upon submission of a manuscript, authors may suggest Executive Editor excluding any specific reviewer from the peer review of their article.
Editors or reviewers should declare whether they have any conflicts of interests that may influence the editorial decision on its publication.
If there is a conflict of interests of the editor and the reviewer with the author of the article, the manuscript should be transferred, in obligatory order, to another editor or reviewer accordingly.
Articles should be evaluated fairly. The conflict of interests declared by any participant of the editing and reviewing process will not necessarily lead to rejection. The prime criterion in the manuscript’s evaluation is its research quality.
Privacy policy
Accepted for consideration work is a confidential document. The Executive Editor of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus and the editorial board employees have no right to disclose the information provided in the article to anyone else, except the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, advisers of editorial board and the publisher.
Information or ideas obtained in case of peer reviewing and the associated with potential benefits must be kept confidential and mustn’t be used for personal gain.
Privacy Statement
Personal information provided by authors to the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus including names and e-mail addresses will be used exclusively for the purposes of scholarly publication. The Editorial Board shall not make personal information available for the third party that may use it for other purposes.
Edition Business Model
When publishing the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus, the traditional publishing model is used, according to which:
- Content created by scientists;
- Publication is free for all authors;
- Copyright royalties are not paid;
- Preparation of the original layout is carried out in the publishing house, printing of the circulation - in the printing house;
- Sale of the printed version is carried out through the system adopted in a particular publisher.
Open Access Statement
The Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus uses the Hybrid Open Access model.
Access to article metadata is free (metadata open access).
Publishing embargoes have been established for all issues of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus.
Special Conditions:
Codex Manuscriptus. Issue 1 — embargo on full online-versions of articles — 5 years (embargoed access). Access to the online-version of the article on the publisher’s website is paid for by readers.
After the embargo period, access to the online version for readers will be free.
Preprint and Postprint Policy
During the submission process, the author must confirm that the article has not been published and or accepted for publication in any other journal or edition.
The Author (Co-authors) has a right to use print or electronic preprints of the unpublished manuscript having the form and contents as accepted by the Publisher for publication in the serial scientific edition. Such preprints may be posted as electronic files on the website of the Author (Co-authors) or on a secure external website of the employer of the Author (Co-authors) of the Article but should not be used for commercial sale or systematic external distribution by a third party.
The Author (Co-authors) should: 1) include in the Preprint the following warning: “This is a Preprint of the Article accepted for publication in (the title of the serial scientific edition, (C), copyright (year). The owner of the copyright as specified in the serial scientific edition)”; 2) give an electronic link to the Publisher’s websites that have a URL
When citing articles published in the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences requests the authors to provide a link (the full URL of the material) to the official website of the edition.