
Retraction Guidelines

Derivation and Plagiarism


The Editorial Board of Codex Manuscriptus commits to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics expressed in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and takes into account the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers.

To ensure a high quality of academic publications, each member of the Editorial Board, publishers, authors, reviewers and institutions involved in the publishing process shall adhere to the ethical norms established by international academic community and take any reasonable steps to prevent their violations.



  1. Main Principles


The Editorial Board of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus in implementing its activities relies on the Law “On Mass Media” of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 № 2124-1, the Charter of A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWL RAS), the aforementioned publishing ethics of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus accepted in accordance with recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), and approved by the decision of the Editorial Board.



  1. Ethical Standards for the Editorial Board


The Editorial Board of Codex Manuscriptus commits to the following internationally accepted ethical principles:

  • The Editorial Board makes a decision which of the submitted essays should be published based on the results of examination of the essay’s compliance, the results of the peer review, and the discussion at the Editorial Board’s meeting. 
  • When making the decision to publish the manuscript, the Editorial Board is guided by the publishing ethics of the collection and shall not accept any essay with signs of libel, slander, plagiarism, and/or copyright violation. The final decision about the essay’s acceptance or rejection shall be made by the Executive Editor of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus.
  • The Editorial Board evaluates the submitted manuscripts regardless of sex, nationality, country of origin, citizenship, occupation, place of work, and place of residence of the author as well as of his or her political, philosophical, religious or other views.
  • The Editorial Board complying with the double “blind” peer review and confidentiality, shall not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript.
  • The Editorial Board ensures that the rejected materials shall not be used in another study by the members of the Editorial Board without the author’s written agreement.
  • The Editorial Board shall consider claims of unethical behavior of the authors of submitted manuscripts or already published articles and take reasonable steps in respect of such claims. If the arguments of the claims are confirmed, the Editorial Board has the right to reject the submitted manuscript and to cease further cooperation with the author. In cases of reasonable complaints concerning the already published articles, the Editorial Board shall publish an appropriate rebuttal and take other necessary measures.
  • The Executive Editor of the issue coordinates the work of the Editorial Department, makes decisions on the key issues, signs the current issue and gives permission for online publication. The Executive Editor fully ensures compliance with all the ethical standards outlined in this document.
  • The members of the Editorial Board are required to maintain neutrality and objectivity in relation to all the members of the editorial and publishing process.
  • The Editorial Board aims to achieve high quality of publications and, if necessary, is obliged to publish corrections and explanations.
  • The members of the Editorial Board have the right for the priority publication of their articles; these articles are reviewed and accepted for publication on a common basis.


  1. Ethical standards for the authors of publications


The Editorial Board of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus implies that every author submitting the manuscript, agrees with the following ethical standards:


  • Submitting materials to the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus, authors confirm their authorship by the fact of submission. In case of co-authors, one of them is entitled to submit the essay; all co-authors should be mentioned in full and with all necessary reliable information that is applicable.
  • The author presents the manuscript with the original results. If the author of the essay used other works or includes excerpts from others works (citations) in the essay, such use must be properly executed by specifying the original source in the references to the source cited. Plagiarism in any form is unethical and unacceptable behavior.
  • Authors are responsible for all the factual material they provide in the submitted manuscript.
  • The author ensures that the manuscript presented to the Editorial Board is unpublished (including publication on open access Internet websites), and not submitted to any other edition.
  • Manipulation of citation in any form (e.g. inappropriate or abundant citations from the work of the supervisor, boss, and colleagues) including self-citation (the works of the author of the manuscript may not constitute more than 20% in the references) is not allowed.
  • The author undertakes to specify the correct scientific and other sources that were used in the research and which have had a significant impact on the results of a research in the references. The information obtained from informal (private) sources should not be used when preparing an essay for publication.
  • Authors undertake to correct the manuscript’s defects pointed out by the Editorial Board or the Editorial Department.
  • Authors must meet the Serial Scientific Edition’s Codex Manuscriptus requirements when submitting the essay.
  • All the sources of financial support (scholarships, state programs, projects, etc.) should be disclosed and indicated in the essay in obligatory order.
  • In case the author discovers substantial errors or inaccuracies in the essay in the process of its peer review or after its publication, he or she should immediately notify the Editorial Board on the subject.
  • In case of serious copyright violation and violation of authorship criteria, the submitted manuscript will be rejected and all further collaboration with the author may terminate.


  1. Ethical standards for reviewers


The Editorial Board of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus implies that every reviewer collaborating with the collection on a voluntary basis, takes on responsibilities to adhere to the following ethical standards:

  • Manuscript submitted for review should be treated as a confidential document not to be transmitted for reading or discussion to third parties who are not entitled to read or discuss it.
  • Supervisor (consultant) of the manuscript’s author shall not peer review the manuscript.
  • The reviewer should peer review the manuscript objectively, providing with substantial argumentation for his or her view, make objective and relevant comments and suggestions aimed at improving the level of the manuscript. Personal criticism is not valid.
  • The reviewer must not use the materials in an unpublished manuscript for his or her own personal scopes.
  • The reviewer should point at substantial similarity or overlap between the peer reviewed manuscript and any other work as well as at the absence of references to premises, conclusions or arguments previously published in other works of this or other authors.
  • The reviewer who has not, in his or her opinion, enough qualification for evaluating the manuscript or cannot be objective, for example in case of conflicts of interests with the author or institution, should report this to the Executive Editor and ask him to exclude him or her from peer reviewing this manuscript.
  • The review is strictly confidential. The name of the reviewer, his or her place of work and job title shall not be disclosed.


Retraction Guidelines

The policy of the Serial Scientific Edition Codex Manuscriptus regarding the withdrawal (retraction) of publications is based on the recommendation Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)


The grounds for retraction the article are gross violations of scientific and publishing ethics, which include significant plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, etc.


The purpose of retraction

The retraction is a mechanism of correction of published information and notification of readers about articles containing such serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. Invalidity of data can be the result of honest mistake or conscious violations.

The retraction is also used as a warning of readers about the instances of duplicate publications (when the author(s) present same research in several publications), plagiarism, and concealment of serious conflicts of interest that can affect the interpretation of the results or recommendations on their use.

The purpose of the retraction is to correct the literature data and ensure their reliability, and not to punish authors who “behave badly”.

The result of the retraction is the confirmation by the editors of the Serial Scientific Edition of the fact that the article contains violations. Authors may disagree with the position of editors, but this does not negate the right of editors to conduct the procedure.

An article can be retracted by the author(s), publisher or editor of the Serial Scientific Edition.

In the event that the author or authors refuse to retract the article, the publisher has the right to retract the article without their consent, since publisher bears the responsibility for the contents of the journal.

The results of the retraction are reflected in the publication, indicating in the title of the publication that the article is being withdrawn, listing the reasons for the recall under the annotation, and indicating the persons or organizations that initiated it.

Retraction does not mean deletion of the article from the journal, publisher’s website (the journal’s website) or the bibliography database. The article remains in all aforementioned resources with a clear notice of retraction, while retaining its DOI number and published URL. This is necessary, as other researchers may have already referenced this article and need to be notified of its retraction.


Derivation and Plagiarism

Plagiarism takes many forms, from passing off another paper as the author(s) own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another(s) paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

The serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus does not publish plagiarism in any forms — including works containing plagiarism of text, plagiarism of ideas and plagiarism of data.

The Editorial Board of the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus considers the following to be the forms plagiarism:

  • use (word for word citing) of any materials in any value without indicating the source;
  • use of images, pictures, photographs, tables, diagrams, schemes or any other forms of graphical information presentation without indicating the source;
  • use of images, pictures, photographs, tables, diagrams, schemes or any other forms of graphical information presentation published in scientific and popular issues without approving by copyright holder;
  • use of the materials without written permission, the authors or copyright holders of which don’t permit use of their materials without special approvement.

The Editorial Board of the serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus considers the following to be the forms of incorrect borrowing:

  • absence of graphical highlighting of literal text citation when there are references to the source;
  • incorrect references (incomplete bibliographic description of the sources, which prevents their identification;
  • reference not to the first source of the borrowed text without clear indication of this fact (mistake in primary source determination);
  • absence of references from the text to the sources enumerated in the list below the article.

Only original works are acceptable for publication in serial scientific edition. The serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus does not allow any forms of plagiarism.

If the authors use the results of someone else’s research, this research must be appropriately quoted and referenced.

The  serial scientific edition Codex Manuscriptus is using “Antiplagiatˮ software for plagiarism detection in all Russian-language manuscripts.

In the case of the discovery of multiple incidents of content matching, the editorial staff acts in accordance with the rules of COPE,