
DSc in Philology,

Associate Professor (HDR) at the University of Strasbourg


Graduated from Tyumen State University.

PhD thesis: 

Typology of the Mystery Genre in English and Russian Dramaturgy of the First Half of the Twentieth Century: C. Williams, Dorothy Sayers, K. Fry and E.Y. Kuzmina-Karavaeva (1998)

Research interests: 

Russian Russian medieval theater, mystery genre, Franco-Russian cultural ties, literature of Russian emigration, comparative studies.


Scientific publications — more than 150 scientific publications.

Selected publications

Books (author, editor-compiler)

  • Bilingual Anthology of Russian Poetry of the Beginning of the XXI Century. (Introduction, choice of Texts by Tatiana Victoroff; translations by Jean-Louis Backès, Hélène Henry, Véronique Lossky, Jean-Baptiste Para, Christine Zeytounian), Paris, YMCA-Press, 2020. 333 p. 
  • The Lyre and the Weapons. Poets at War: Péguy, Stadler, Owen, etc. Ed. by Julien Collonges and Tatiana Victoroff. Paris, Classics Garnier, 2020. 
  • “The Gulag Archipelago”: the Story of a Literary Earthquake. Bilingual Catalog of the Exhibition at the Solzhenitsyn Cultural Center. Paris, Ymca-Press, 2018. 100 p.
  • The Dramatic Work of Michel Vinaver: Between France, America and Russia. Moscow, Russkii put' Publ., 2018. 384 p.
  • Anna Akhmatova and European Poetry. Brussels, Peter Lang, 2016. 
  • Rebirths of the Mystery in Europe, Late Nineteenth – Early Twenty-first Century. What is the Mystery for Modernity? Strasbourg, PUS Foundation, 2015.
  • The Death of the Poets: Péguy, Stadler, Owen. Strasbourg, National Library of Strasbourg, 2014.

Selected Essays

  • “‘I Have Woven a Wide Veil for Them’: Anna Akhmatova and Mother Maria (Skobtsova).” Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement, no. 209, 2018, pp. 137–
  • “Religious Free Creativity": the Historiosophy of Mother Mary and the ‘Orthodox Cause’ on the Threshold of the Third Millennium.” The Spiritual Heritage of Mother Mary (Skobtsova): The Present and Future of the Church: Materials of the International Theological Conference (Moscow — Moscow region, December 27, 2011). Tver, Spasskoe, Sviato-Mariinskoe i Bogoliubskoe malye pravoslavnye bratstva Publ., 2016. pp. 12–
  • “Exhibition and Conference "Michel Vinaver's Creativity: Between France, America and Russia”. Yearbook of Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad,.no. 6, 2016, pp. 745– (Co-authored with S.N. Dubrovina).
  • ‘No, It's Not a Distance, but a New Closeness to Everyone’: Mother Maria about Trips to the Baltic States (1932).” Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement, no, 201, 2013, pp. 44–
  • “‘The Land of Violence and Beautiful Eyes’: Louis Aragon on a Visit to the Soviet Urals.” Modern History of Russia, no. 3, 2012, pp. 157–167
  • “Return to the Origins of the Movement: the Relevance of the Legacy of Fr. Sergiy Bulgakov. RSHD Congress in Loisy.” Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement, 199, 2012, pp. 224–227.
  • “In Search of a Christian Aeschylus: G.P. Fedotov on the Christian Tragedy in Europe.” Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement, no. 199, 2012, pp. 64–
  • “‘Religious and Free Creativity’: the Historiosophy of Mother Mary and the ‘Orthodox Cause’ on the Threshold of the Third Millennium: A Report on the Evening of the Memory of Mother Mary in the Transfiguration Brotherhood.” Bulletin of the Russian Christian movement, no. 200, 2012, pp. 120–
  • “Pilgrimage to Ravensbruck.” Bulletin of the Russian Orthodox Church, no. 193, 2008. P. 300.
  • “‘Leader, Friend, Father’: Mother Maria (Skobtsova) and Prot. Sergiy (Bulgakov).” N. Bulgakov: Religious and Philosophical Path: International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 130th Anniversary of his Birth, March 5-7, 2001. Moscow, Russkii put' Publ., 2003, pp. 312–330.

Scopus / Web of Science Publications

  • “I Will Return / Come Back to you Unrecognized”: the Fate of Poetry of Mother Maria in Post Soviet Russia and in France.” Studia Litterarum, vol. 3, no 2, 2018, pp. 196–229. In Russ.