
DSc in Philology, 

Professor at the University of Caen, Normandy


Graduated from the University of Toulouse (1967)

Research interests:

History of Russian and Soviet literature, cultural anthropology, history of ideas


Scientific publications — more than 200 scientific publications.

Selected publications

Books (author, editor-compiler)

  • A Guide to Dostoevsky. Paris, Institute of Slavic Studies, 2021. 320 p.
  • Julia Danzas 1879–1942. From the Imperial Court to the Red Penal Servitude. Geneva, Sirte Publishing House, 2020. 398 p.
  • The West Through the Eyes of Russia. An Anthology of Russian Thought from Karamzin to Putin. Paris, Institute of Slavic Studies, 2017. 790 p.
  • Nikolai Klyuev. Memoirs of Contemporaries. Comment. by L.A. Kiseleva with the participation of T.A. Kravchenko, Michel Nike and S.I. Subbotin. Moscow, Progress-Pleiada Publ., 2010. 886 p.
  • Utopia in Russia. St. Petersburg, Hyperion Publ., 2003. 
  • Russian Question. Essays on Russian Nationalism. Paris, University Edition, 1992.
  • Dictionary of perestroika. Paris, 1990.

Selected Essays

  • “Ekphrasis in Gorky's ‘Life of Klim Samgin’.” Maxim Gorky: Pro et Contra, an Anthology. St. Petersburg, RHGA Publ., 2018, pp. 790-794.
  • “French Transposition of ‘The St. Petersburg Slums’ OF Vs. Krestovsky: ‘The St. Petersburg Secrets’ of Ivan Doff (1877–1878).” Izvestiya of the Samara Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences, vol. 19, no. 21, 2017. pp. 112116. In Russ. 
  • “From Unpublished Letters of A.K. Tolstoy to B.M. Markevich.” Izvestiya of the Samara Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences, vol.18, no. 2, 2016, pp. 223–226. In Russ.

Scopus / Web of Science Publications

  • “French Russian Studies: Tradition and Innovation.” Voprosy literatury, no. 5, 2009, pp. 454472.