Codex manuscriptus. Issue 3: Documentary History of Russian Literature of the First Half of the 20th Century. Ed.-in-Chief Daria S. Moskovskaya, ex. eds. Marina A. Arias-Vikhil, Yakov D. Chechnev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2023. 640 p. (In Russian)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22455/CM.2949-0510-2023-3


ISBN: 978-5-9208-0753-3


The collection includes articles and publications of documents from the collections of the Department of Manuscripts, the Archive of A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The publications are devoted to the financial and ideological aspects of the historical and literary process of the first half of the 20th century and they cover the activities of writers and critics (L.N. Andreev, D. Bedny, A. Bely, K.I. Chukovsky, I.V. Chinnov, V.A. Shchegoleva, etc.), as well as Soviet institutions (Vserosskomdram, VOKS, “Detgiz,” the Union of Writers of the USSR). The book is addressed primarily to trained readers — scientists, university teachers, graduate students, students of philology, historians, cultural studies.

Keywords: source study, archive, scientific publication, textual criticism, commentary, literary institutions, memoirs, diaries, correspondence, Soviet literature, Russian literature abroad.



From the creative heritage of writers

Daria S. Moskovskaya.
A. Bely’s Report on the Culture of Local History Essay 

Unknown Dramatic Works of Demyan Bedny of the 1930s: “From Stepan Razin to the Present Day” and “Volga, Volga, Mother, Mother — Soviet River” (introduction, text preparation,  comments by Maksim L. Fedorov

“I Didn’t Think It Was So Hard to Live Here...” I.V. Chinnov about Russian Paris of the 1940–1950s in Letters and Interviews (introduction, text preparation,  comments by Olga F. Kuznetsova; compilation  by Natalia Yu. Bakshaeva).

Ego-documents / Memoirs. Letters. Diaries

V.A. Shchegoleva’s Diary of 1915 (introduction, text preparation, comments by Natalia A. Drovaleva, Olga A. Simonova) 

Marina A. Arias-Vikhil.
Unknown Letters from R. Rolland to the Siberian Writer G. Vyatkin (Based on the Materials of the Department of Manuscripts of the IWL RAS) 

Elena V. Kudrina.
The Story of One Failed Appointment (M.M. Basov and “Detgiz”) 


Sociology of the literary process

Konstantin I. Plotnikov.
Vserosskomdram and Its Predecessors: the History of Russian Playwrights’ Professional Organizations in the 19th and 20th Centuries 

Marie-Christine Autant-Mathieu.
“The Messenger of the Theater” (“Вестник театра”), a Combat Magazine at the Service of “Theatrical October” (1919–1921)

Marie-Christine Autant-Mathieu.
Financial and Administrative Changes in the Moscow Art Theater (1917–1938). Stages of Transformation of a Theatrical Partnership on Shares into a State Theater: To Raise the Question 

Serge Rolet.
Publishing House “Academia” in the Early 1930s: Race for Fees

Cécile Pichon-Bonin.
The Market for Children’s Books and the Compensation of Illustrators in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s 

Tatiana Yu. Trankvillitskaia.
VOKS Activities Between 1925 and 1938: Problems of Financial Survival 

Source studies and biographies

Serge Rolet.
“Eleazar.” Notes on Marginal Poetry of the Prose Writer L. Andreev 

Svetlana V. Fedotova.
Unknown Episode at the Beginning of Korney Chukovsky’s Literary Career 

In memoriam

Marina A. Arias-Vikhil.
Claudia Pieralli (1979–2023) In Memory of an Outstanding Scholar and Friend