
Doctor of Philology,

Professor at the University of Milan


Graduated from the University of Turin

Research interests: 

Russian Russian literature of the twentieth century, the history of Russian culture and Russian emigration, Italian-Russian cultural relations.


Scientific publications — more than 100 scientific publicatications

Selected publications

Books (author, editor-compiler)

  • Dostoevsky Never Wasted Paper. Research Ideas from the Works of Rinaldo Kufferle. Milan, 2016.
  • Russian-Italian Archive IX: Olga Resnevich-Signorelli and Russian Emigration: correspondence: in 2 vols. Salerno, Vereja Edizioni, 2010.

Selected Essays

  • “Correspondence of I.A. Bunin with A.V. and I.V. Amfiteatrovs.” Literary heritage,  Vol. 110, no. 2. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2022, pp. 632–810. In Russ. 
  • “The Image of Ivan Bunin in the Correspondences of Aleksandr Amfiteatrov with the Russian Émigré Writers in Paris (Mark Aldanov, Boris Zaitsev, Teffi, Ivan Shmelev).” I.A. Bunin and His Time: Context of Life — History of Work. Ex. eds. T.M. Dvinyatina and S.N. Morozov; Eds. A.V. Bakuntsev and E.R. Ponomarev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021, pp. 161–175. In Russ.
  • “Ivan Bunin's Controversy against Delfino Cinelli on His Book ‛Tolstoy’.” I.A. Bunin and His Time: Context of Life — History of Work. Ex. eds. T.M. Dvinyatina and S.N. Morozov; Eds. A.V. Bakuntsev and E.R. Ponomarev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021, pp. 15–25. In Russ.
  • “Rinaldo Küfferle (1903–1955) — a Translator, Publisher, Critic and Correspondent of Ivan Bunin (Based on Papers from Private and Editorial Archives).” Literary fact, no. 1(11), 2019, pp. 276–311. In Russ. 
  • “‛... I Hasten to Bring you my Heartfelt Gratitude...’ Letter of P.A. Sorokin to A.V. Amfiteatrov from 11 April 1928.” Literary life: Articles. Publications. Memoirs: in Memory of A.Y. Galushkin. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017. pp. 43–46. In Russ. 
  • “Strokes to the biography of A.V. Amfiteatrov.” Novyi zhurnal, no. 2612010, pp. 43–84. In Russ.